Answering the call to a greater service.


The following information is provided as an educational service of our ministry. As such, it is Protected Information within the scope of the private affairs of The Arcadian Society and is not legal advice.

 Dear reader,

Thank you for your interest in The Arcadian Society and your request for information regarding the process of establishing a private mission or ministry in order to be of greater service to humanity and our Earth. In addition to conducting an educational ministry for the benefit of all of humanity, The Arcadian Society also provides a unique service to those of its members who are answering a calling to be of greater service. We assist those members who have chosen to conduct themselves within the private service to others.

There is much confusion and many opinions regarding the process of establishing one's calling as a legitimate mission, ministry, or even a church. Unfortunately, there is little fact to be found within those many opinions. 

In our modern society we have come to a point where virtually anything that we wish to do must be done under license or by permission of the state. Consequently the manner in which we are born, live, go to school, earn our daily bread, buy a car or house, start a family and even die is conducted within the rigid, regulated framework of business.  

Business structures, such as corporations, LLCs, partnerships, etc., are fictitious entities created by the state and their use in the conduct of commerce is considered to be a privilege granted by and monitored for compliance by the state. In effect and in every sense, business has become the servant of the state.  

When one accepts one's calling to be of greater service to a higher authority and decides to organize the activities of the mission or ministry, it has become a conditioned reflex to ask the state for its permission by license and payment of fees even to do good works.  

A mission or ministry is not a business.

The simple fact is that a ministry is not a business. The purpose of business is to make a profit for its investors or shareholders. Simply put, Profit is the product of monies invested within the business venture which, after all expenses are paid, is distributed among the shareholders in the company.  

A pure altruistic or benevolent mission, that is one that is not incorporated, does not have shareholders; therefore it does not make a profit as does a business. That is not to say that such a mission does not make money, just that it does not make Profit. It is, therefore, a Non-profit mission.  

However, making money for investors is not the primary criteria which distinguishes a business from a non-profit mission - the key factor is motive. A business that does not make sufficient profit to satisfy its shareholders will not be in business very long. It just doesn't make good business sense to continue doing something unless sufficient profit is generated.

The mission, on the other hand, operates from the sincere belief that the work of the mission is just the right thing to do. Its activities and motivation is being of service to a greater good - not to generate profits for shareholders.

The manner in which the mission is formed and organized is a matter of your choice. So, by conducting your mission's affairs as business, you become a servant to the state. By conducting your mission or ministry as a pure church, you are acting in the service of humanity and serving a higher calling and your work is not a subject of the state. 

But what exactly does it mean to conduct one's work as a mission or church? Again, there is so much misinformation regarding this subject that we can quickly become confused beyond all reasoning. For example, if you ask three people to define the word, Church, you are likely to get three different opinions. One may claim that the church is brick and mortar with stained glass windows, while another may opine that a church includes sacraments, robes and hymnals, and yet another may think that it is all about philosophy. All three opinions can be correct. However, in order to do things properly, we are most interested in the legal definition of church and not merely opinions. 

The law protects your right to conduct yourself as a ministry.

With that in mind, let's look at the supreme law of the land, the Constitution for the United States of America and read what it has to say about religion. The First Amendment states very clearly that: "Congress shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"; (Emphasis added). 

It is very important to keep this key piece of Law in mind when considering any other questions regarding your sincere philosophical beliefs or "religion" or its practices as most people are not aware just to what extent this law protects them. We believe it is clear that what it is saying is that neither Congress nor any other aspect or agency of government has ANY authority whatsoever over matters of religion or its practice by its advocates. 

The violation of your philosophical or religious rights is such a serious matter that Any person, who acts in violation of one's religious freedoms may be dismissed for violating his oath of office to uphold the Constitution and he or she may be subject to civil and criminal penalties, with fines up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to five years, or both. 

Some believe that only the long established traditional religions are allowed to start churches. Another mis-belief is that you must be ordained by one of the mainstream religions for your ordination to be recognized and be valid. That assumption is also far from the truth.

Why so much confusion?

This topic is so misunderstood, where fact is so clouded by mere opinion, that many who have a sincere desire to be of service become so confused that they just give up. After all, there is no handbook entitled, Ministry for Dummies that you could easily reference for guidance in launching your mission.  But there is something that may be just as helpful.

We will be pleased to send you our 15-page report, YOUR MISSION, which is fact-filled information that will help you to determine if your services can qualify as a non-profit mission or ministry. You will also be granted lifetime membership in The Arcadian Society and you'll also receive a high-quality parchment certificate of membership that is suitable for framing.

As a new member, you will also receive 30 minutes of private consultation to answer your specific questions about converting your present life in the rat race service to corporate greed to one of peace, abundance, harmony and purpose within the service to humanity and our Mother Earth.

For a small donation you will receive our 15-page report, YOUR MISSION, and 30 minutes of private consultation, plus lifetime membership and a membership certificate. Then you can begin enjoying the benefits of private membership in The Arcadian Society. Together we can explore how you can become of even greater service to humanity within the fellowship of ministers like you.

Over the past decade we have assisted dozens of our members in establishing their benevolent missions as ministries and churches. If you believe that you are answering a higher calling to service and would like our assistance in establishing your mission and ordaining you as a minister and the Overseer of your mission, we will be happy to assist.  

The process begins with your request for membership in The Arcadian Society. However, before making that request, we suggest that you visit our website to learn more about us and our mission of education and service.

If our message resonates with your own thoughts, you can then make your donation and request formal membership and your 15-page report, YOUR MISSION, by clicking the Donate link on our main page. The information you provide is held in strictest confidence. We do not share any member information with any other party for any reason.

We look forward to being of service to you.



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